Revolabs FLX UC 1000 & Revolabs FLX UC 1500

If the Ethernet cable needs to be removed from the FLX UC 1000 or FLX UC 1500, be sure to depress the lever on the connector and pull the cable out gently. Using force when removing this cable may damage the cable and render it useless. In order to place and receive VoIP calls, your FLX UC 1000 or FLX UC 1500 will

Installation and Operation Guide

Getting Started with the FLX UC 1000 . Assembling the FLX UC 1000 . The box of the FLX UC 1000 includes 1 Base Unit, 1 Dialer with connected cable, 1 Ethernet Cable, and 1 USB cable. Remove all these items from the packaging.


The FLX UC 1500 includes 2 extension microphones in addition to the items included with the FLX UC 1000. To begin setting up the device, remove all the items from packaging. On the bottom of the base unit are connections for the Ethernet, USB, and Dialer cables. The FLX UC 1500 has two additional connections for the extension microphones.

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Revolabs FLX™ UC 1500

Connecting your UC 1500. 1. Take the UC 1500 Base Unit and Dialer out of the box. 2. Connect the Dialer to the Base Unit, making sure to connect the cable in the dialer only port on the bottom of the UC 1500. 3. Using the provided Ethernet cable, connect the UC 1500 to an Ethernet jack providing power over Ethernet (PoE) and the bottom of the ...


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Revolabs FLX UC 1500 Conferencing Tool Review

One of the things we found most interesting about the design of the Revolabs FLX UC 1500 is the unique, all-encompassing speaker and microphone system that operates in surround sound to ensure every inch of the meeting room is covered during a call. At first glance it, the FLX UC 1500 kind of looks a little like a home cinema surround …